Hector Barajas, representing CIPA, recently appeared on Univision's statewide political show, where he was asked about President Trump's comments on domestic oil production - "Drill Baby Drill."
The reporter noted that these types of remarks have been met with opposition from environmentalists and politicians alike, and the conversation turned to whether they might affect Trump's support among Latino voters.
During the interview, Barajas stated that Latinos welcome this type of stance. He pointed out that, like everyone else, “Latinos are sick and tired of paying so much for a gallon of gasoline compared to January 2021 ($3.36).”
Barajas also highlighted that a significant percentage of oil workers in California are Latino. He emphasized that if California does not produce oil domestically—under the strictest regulations globally—the state sends its money overseas to purchase oil from countries like Saudi Arabia. Latinos, he argued, would prefer to see those billions of dollars invested in their communities rather than sent to foreign nations.
The interview was conducted in Spanish, but English subtitles are available for your enjoyment.