The American Petroleum Institute (API) developed a five-point policy roadmap to secure American energy leadership and reduce inflation. Key actions include protecting consumer choice, leveraging natural resources, reforming the permitting system, advancing sensible tax policies, and bolstering geopolitical strength through energy exports.
Protect Consumer Choice
Mandates don’t work. When it comes to energy, consumers should have more choice, not less. Over the past four years, government bureaucrats have sought to limit access to gas stoves, gas furnaces, and now the cars and trucks Americans can drive. What’s next?
Specifically, we should repeal the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Tailpipe rules for light-, medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, as well as the CAFE standards. These extreme policies and mandates are wildly out of step with consumer demand and deepen our dependence on China and other foreign suppliers.
Restore the Role of American Energy in Bolstering our Geopolitical Strength
Energy security is national security. America’s energy resources are the envy of the world and should be leveraged to protect our citizens and our allies. U.S. energy exports strengthen our competitive edge against China, Russia and hostile regimes. They also reduce our trade deficit and create American jobs.
Specifically, we should lift the Department of Energy’s (DOE) LNG permitting pause and swiftly approve all pending export applications now languishing at DOE. It will send a strong, immediate signal that the United States will remain the go-to supplier of LNG, displacing dirtier fuels and supplying reliable energy to our allies around the world.
Leverage our Abundant Natural Resources
Resource development on public lands and waters is in America’s strategic interest and a bedrock of our nation’s energy production. Parks, playgrounds and outdoor recreation facilities across America receive contributions of more than $900 million per year from the Land and Water Conservation Fund supported by oil and gas production from federal lands and waters.
Our federal energy leasing strategy should reflect the benefits energy production brings to U.S. taxpayers. America’s onshore and offshore energy resources are abundant and are produced among the highest environmental standards. Unfortunately, the recently finalized approach is the worst leasing program in history and should be replaced.
Fix our Broken Permitting System
Americans can’t drive down the road without witnessing firsthand our failing infrastructure. Unfortunately, it is even worse than potholes and crumbling bridges. Regulations and government red tape have made it impossible to build anything in this country. Billions of dollars of investment and tens of thousands of American jobs are squandered because of our broken permitting process.
Specifically, we need smart, comprehensive permitting reform that ensures transparency, predictability, timeliness and durability. The permitting process has been weaponized by opponents of energy progress to stop projects before they even start. Reform will ensure we can build the infrastructure needed for today and for the future.
Advance Sensible Tax Policy
The U.S. oil and gas industry supports more than 11 million jobs, hundreds of small businesses and is responsible for billions of dollars of domestic investment every year. But capital flows where capital is welcome and U.S. tax policy must be competitive with other countries to ensure the next chapter of our energy future is written here in America.
Specifically, our nation’s tax policy must ensure that taxpayers reap the benefits of continued investments in America’s energy resources. At a time when the American people and small businesses feel the sting of inflation, we cannot afford to raise taxes that undermine our economic and energy security.
For more information, contact Sean Wallentine.